Each Lender has different lending criteria which could affect your ability to borrow from them, depending on your cicrumstance

Common factors that will influence the decision will be; how much you want to borrow, your credit score, the type of property and the timescale in which you need to move. We have strong relationships with dedicated business development managers at each institution, which means we can carry out in depth lender research before we even make an application

For our clients, financial confidence comes from knowing that we will always be honest with them and do our best to help them.

Your Income
Variable pay: Lenders will either:
Average the last 3 months and use 100%
Average the last 3 months and use 60%
Average the last 6 months and use 100%

Bonuses: Lenders will average: the last 2 years (2016/17)

Self Employed: Lenders will either:
Average the last 2 Years if increasing
Use the last 2 years if increasing
Take the lowest figure if decreasing

Your Credit Score
To ensure an application runs as smoothly as possible, we will ask you to obtain a credit report from Experian, Equifax or Noddle. This ensures your application corresponds to your report which can reduce the lender asking additional questions or declining the application straight away.

Type of Property
Certain type of property may be deemed unsuitable for some lenders. For example;
Ex Local authority
Flats in blocks over 5 floors
Length of leases
Certain types of construction

Timescale in which you need to move
When making a mortgage recommendation we may need to consider the lenders processing times as this may impact on your purchase
We have strong relationships with dedicated business development managers at each institution, which means we can carry out in depth lender research before we even make an application.